Powering intelligent bioanalysis
We provide the Life Science community with world-class analytical instruments and services delivering more relevant information and improved insights from bioanalysis
Validated and trusted by internationally
renowned companies and institutions
years of experience
publications enabled
drug candidates analyzed
Investera i framtidens hälsoteknik – delta i Attanas emission
Attana banar väg för individanpassade immunitetstest med en unik teknologi som simulerar kroppens miljö. Delta i emissionen och bli en del av vår resa.
A proven track record of 109 assessed drug candidates
We provide the life science community with world-class analytical instruments and services for validating, selecting and optimizing drug candidates for Phase I and Phase II studies by interaction analysis of on- and off-target interactions.
For our track record of 100+ analyzed candidates we have so far improved the clinical phase I and Phase II trial success rate by more than 4x.

Select publications enabled by Attana
We work closely with academic institutions and research teams worldwide to assist in new discoveries and innovation. To date, we have enabled more than 140 publications across a wide variety of scientific fields
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